La ternura es triste / Tenderness is sad

Year: 2023
This work was included in the following exhibitions:
  • 2023 La ternura es triste at HAE Maastricht, NL

Drawing, poetry and music concert

La ternura es triste

“Quiero volver a la simpleza  del gesto, a la textura de la forma, a la emoción del movimiento, quiero volver a la ternura de mi pepita, el hueso de mi fruto que conmigo madura y se endurece mientras en vez, mi carne se enternece y mi olor se acentúa y se pronuncia como un dulzor penetrante...”
“...Quiero olvidar que la ternura es triste.”
“I want to return to the simplicity of gesture, to the texture of form, to the emotion of movement, I want to return to the tenderness of my kernel, the stone of my fruit that with me ripens and hardens, while instead, my flesh becomes tender, and my smell is accentuated and pronounced as a pungent sweetness...”

“...I want to forget that tenderness is sad.”

Mena Guerrero © All rights reserved