Book a session with me to do any or all of the following:

artistic mentorship for your life and projects
transdisciplinary guidance to find your learning path 
teach a  workshop on: art and somatic based learning. (Vital Cartographies Program)

Book here

“Art as learning process & life as artistic learning”

from 2020-2024, I studied at the Michael Polany College (MPC) at Universidad Francisco Marroquín were I obtained a Liberal Arts Bachelor in Transdsiciplinary Arts. 

 The program is a self-directed learning undergraduate degree that allows students to take full agency of their own education.
As a result, I developed a complete syllabus for a Bachelor’s in Transdisicplinary Arts and Research aiming at supporting a more open-ended learning process for anybody who wants to approach life with a performative presence and an artistic attitude.

Alongside this methodology for an alternative and experimental education, I have taught for the past 3 years a workshop titled Cartografías Vitales (Vital Cartographies) and individual mentorship sessions that combine expressive arts therapy, somatic practices, art based research and heuristics to provide people with tools to live more satisfying lives that they can potentiate through discovering their own sensory capacities.  

When it comes to education, my aim is to help people find their own paths by using the arts as a tool on which to project their own imaginations.

Mena Guerrero © All rights reserved